Lead Vendors
By having your lead vendors integrate two simple Image Tags, C3 is able to chart how these users interacted with your previous marketing activity without capturing proprietary marketing data from your lead vendor.
Step #1: Landing Page 1x1 Tag
A simple 'Impression Tracker' is added to the Landing Page for each of your Lead Vendors. As a 1x1 Impression Tracker and NOT a JavaScript Tag, this is limited to capturing the fact that a potential lead visited your vendor's landing page. What's very cool about this methodology is that if a lead visits the landing page, but does not complete the form for that Vendor and then later becomes a lead thru another source, you will know that the first lead vendor was involved.
Here is an example of standard Landing Page 1x1 tag for a lead vendor:
<img width="1" height="1" border="0" style="display: none;" src=//XXX-img.c3tag.com/v.gif?cid=XXX&c3ch=CPL&c3nid=[CPL VENDOR NAME & REMOVE BRACKETS]">
Where XXX is the 3-digit C3 Metrics Campaign ID
The only requirements for this tag is that it needs to be placed within the <body> of the HTML and NOT within the Header. To confirm that this tag is working, please have C3 Networks Ops review the placement.
Step #2: Conversion Page 1x1 Tag
A 2nd simple 'Impression Tracker' is added to the Conversion Page for each of your Lead Vendors. The purpose of this tag is so that C3 will know which Lead Vendor to credit for the particular lead.
Here is an example of standard Conversion Page 1x1 Tag for a lead vendor:
<img width="1" height="1" border="0" style="display: none;" src="//XXX-ct.c3tag.com/c3metrics-XXX.js?c3_type=YYY">
Where XXX is the 3-digit C3 Metrics Campaign ID and YYY is the Conversion Type Assigned for this Campaign.
The only requirements for this tag is that it needs to be placed within the <body> of the HTML and NOT within the Header. As long as the tag is properly placed and firing upon page load, you are all set. To confirm 100% that this tag is working, please have C3 Networks Ops review the placement.