In this article
Integrating Paid Twitter Campaigns
C3 easily integrates with your Paid Twitter campaign. All that's needed is a simple change in the URL structure and access for reporting. Best practices for appending the URL are to add in the unique campaign ID provided by Twitter in the interface.
Login to Twitter, navigate to the Ads section and click on the Export button at the top of the page.
At the bottom of the page the 'Export Campaign Data' will appear. Click on Download.
The download will contain all of your Twitter campaigns with the corresponding 'id' in column A.
Edit each of your campaigns to include the following append at the end of the destination URL
In the above example, for Campaign 1, the URL append would be the following:
Important to following standard URL protocol of an ampersand (&) or /?
Spend Reporting for Twitter
Export your spend daily and send to or contact your Account Manager to have spend retrieved daily.
Non-Paid Twitter
Non-paid Tweets should be appended as follows: