SEM - Direct

To enable proper tracking of your SEM campaign via direct management of Google AdWords and Bing, there is a simple URL append, followed by automatic reporting and you're all set. This article will instruct you how to enable AdWords and Bing sync with C3.

In this article

1)  Google URL Append

Since your campaign is being managed directly via Google Adwords, you will need to append the destination URLs of every Ad utilizing  Google's Value Track dynamic parameters.  Google will dynamically ad in the correct data upon each click, such as keyword, etc, which makes tagging much easier.  This can be accomplished in minutes via Google's Upgraded URL feature which separate the tracking codes from the landing page URL via a tracking template.  


Step #1 - Determine the last 4 digits of your AdWords Customer ID
Look for the 10-digit number found in the upper right hand corner when you access your Google AdWords account. In this case, the last 4 digits would be '1234'


Step #2 - Is There a Tracking Template In Place?
A Tracking Template may already be in place and its important to not overwrite what's already in place.  

If there is NO tracking template,  enter the following based upon the type of Campaign (Search, Display, etc.)

SEARCH : {lpurl}?c3api=XXXX,{adgroupid},{targetid}
DISPLAY: {lpurl}?c3api=XXXX,{adgroupid},{creative}
VIDEO: {lpurl}?c3api=XXXX,{adgroupid},{creative}
GMAIL ADS:  {lpurl}?c3api=XXXX,{adgroupid},{creative}

Where XXXX represents the last 4-digits in your Google AdWords ID

If there is already a Tracking Template in place, it will not be blank and appears like this:

Cut and paste the template into a text file and look for {purl}
There are 2 instances when you find {lpurl}
A)  {lpurl} followed by a ?{creative}&uniqueid=1234&redirect_url={lpurl}?kwd={keyword}&adid={creative}

In that instance, since the parameter {lpurl} is present and followed by a ?, append the following at the end of the URL string:

SEARCH: &c3api=XXXX,{adgroupid},{targetid}
DISPLAY: &c3api=XXXX,{adgroupid},{creative}
VIDEO:  &c3api=XXXX,{adgroupid},{creative}
GMAIL ADS:  &c3api=XXXX,{adgroupid},{creative}<br>

Where XXXX represents the last 4-digits in your Google AdWords ID

B)  {lpurl} by itself{creative}&uniqueid=1234&redirect_url={lpurl}

In that instance, since the parameter {lpurl} is not followed by anything, use the following:

SEARCH: ?c3api=XXXX,{adgroupid},{targetid}
DISPLAY: ?c3api=XXXX,{adgroupid},{creative}
VIDEO:  ?c3api=XXXX,{adgroupid},{creative}
GMAIL ADS:  ?c3api=XXXX,{adgroupid},{creative}<br>

e)  Navigate to your first Campaign and Click on Settings

f)  Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on 'Campaign URL Options (advanced)'

g)  Click 'Edit' for Tracking Template

h)  Cut and Paste the tracking Template as show above based on the type of Campaign (Search, Display, Video)

2)  Bing Ads (Microsoft adCenter) URL Append

For Bing, you will also need to manually append the destination URLs of every Ad.


Google API

For Google AdWords reporting, you can either allow our API access to your AdWords report, set-up automatic reporting or provide your C3 Metrics Jedi read-only access.

For API Access

1) Enable Access to your Google AdWords Account(s)

To enable C3 Metrics and Google AdWords syncing, we will need you to provide us with your Google Customer ID.  This is the 10-digit number found in the upper right hand corner when you access your Google AdWords account.  If you utilize more than 1 AdWords account for your campaign, please provide all of the Account IDs.  C3 will request access and you will need to approve access on your end.  Please email this to with the subject line: Google API Access for XYZ Campaign.

2)  Approve the request

You will receive an email to login and click 'Accept request' and C3 will sync up with your AdWords account.  This will allow C3 to handle the import of all of your Google Paid Search spend.

To approve access, login to your AdWords accounts and click on the 'wheel' (seen below) in the upper right hand of the page.

Now click on 'Account Settings'

Once the page loads, click on 'Account Access' on the left side of the page.

On the Account Access page, you will find a list of all of your 'Users with Account Access'

Below that is a section called 'Client Managers' where you will find the request from C3.


Once you click 'Accept Request' a pop-up window will appear, click the 'OK' button to finalize.

Google Reporting

For Automatic Reporting
Navigate into your AdWords account and click on the Ads tab.

Click on Customize Columns

Select Id.  This is the Id of the actual AdWords Ad.
Click Save and now Click on the Download Icon

Click on the Ad Segment Section

Look to add the 'Keyword/Placement' Segment

Also select the Day Segment

Scroll down and click on the Email and Schedule Report section.  From here you would need to select 'Specific account users and me' and designate the email to send it to.  Our recommendation is that you have the email sent to yourself 'Daily' and then set up a rule to have it automatically forward to our address '' on a daily basis.

The Report will have (at a minimum) the following fields.

Google 'Read Only' Access

Your Account Manager has provided a GMAIL account which is to be provided read-only access to automate daily reports from Google AdWords.

Click on Account Settings (found by clicking on the wheel in the upper right navigation)
Click on 'Account access' in the left hand navigation

Click '+ USERS'

Enter the Email Address which was provided

Select 'Read Only' Access and click 'Send invitation'

Once the invitation has been accepted, you will need to login again and grant access.

Bing Reporting

For Bing - go into Bing Ads and set up an automatic daily report of your spend by day.  

Be certain that the report is at the Keyword Level and includes Ad Group ID and Keyword ID.

Click on 'CHOOSE YOUR COLUMNS' to add parameters to the report.

Add Keyword and Keyword ID

Add Ad Group and Ad Group ID

Add Campaign and Campaign ID

Add Ad ID

The reports should be sent to '' with a Subject Line referencing your Campaign Name.

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