Tagging Content With C3 Metrics & Google Tag Manager

Since Content is king, let's attribute it properly and let your team know what content is actually delivering.  

If you're utilizing Google Tag Manager (GTM) as your container tag, your blog has the title within the URL and the URL string has something like 'blog' in it, here's how to enable tracking.

1)  Navigate to VARIABLES in GTM

2)  Click on CONFIGURE on 'Built-In Variable'

3)  Check the box for 'Page Path

4)  Click PREVIEW, load a page on your blog and confirm that Page Path comes thru properly

Here's the URL

Here's the Page Path

5)  Now we have to add some parameters for the Site Tag, which will only be included when the tag is fired on a page with content, which in this case would have the word 'blog' in it.

The simplest way to accomplish this is to take the current Site Tag, which is most likely fired on EVERY page and add change it to only fire when the Page Path does not contain 'blog'

Once you set this in place, the Site Tag will NOT fire on any of your blog pages.

Now create a new Site Tag which adds the following string to the end:

?c3qs=3&c3ch=Content&c3nid={{Page Path}}

See below:

The Trigger for this new tag would be as follows:

Your new content tag will now only fire on Content pages!

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