Does C3's system enable multiple conversion events?

Almost any online or offline event can be defined as a conversion within C3.

  • Ecommerce based: it's almost always the thank you page hit after the consumer places an order with their credit card.
  • Lead generation based:  there can be multiple conversions.  In education sector, it's often a lead completion going to that conversion page.  It's also an application where the consumer fills out an application (more involved than a lead) hitting a conversion page.  The second is considered a different type in C3's system, and there can be an infinite number of types.
  • KPI based:  an automobile manufacturer would have multiple KPI's:  Watch a video, configure a car online, Dealer Zip Code Lookup, Initiate a chat, Request financing information, Request a test drive.  These are examples of multiple conversion types.
  • Offline Events:  these could include anything such as a retail purchase; an out-bound call to a prospect; final funding of an investment account, or completion of a college interview.  As long as there is a connector to online via a ‘foreign’ key or unique id (e.g. email address, phone #, or concatenation such as first initial last name zip code) these offline events are conversion types in C3.
Within C3, each would be defined as a different Transaction Type and can be based on true revenue value or unique, defined Net Present Values.  For example, if it's known that if someone visits a particular page (say configure a car) is worth 4x versus another page, then an NPV of 4 or any numeric value can be assigned to a specific conversion type.

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